This blog is to share my loves , finds, artistic endeavours , and all that inspires me in my journey as a mother and creator of beautiful toys and accessories .
As I am sure you are aware it is book week and most schools or Kinder's ask kids to dress up as there favourite book character . I went on the search for some cute already made outfits and there really isn't much out there beside the typical super hero's , or pirates for boys. So Mum's trusty DIY was put to the task with a task of creating a Cat in the Hat costumer . Sebastian adores a lot of the books by Dr Seuss and his favourite is what he calls Hop on Pop. Any way he enjoyed helping make his outfit and he was so excited to head off to Kinder in his Cat in the hat outfit - The only problem was I only made one and Little O also wanted in on the action - Next year baby O joined in with a token nose and whiskers .
Very cute!! Great job :)