Friday, February 13, 2015

Your style - In Focus

We are so excited to be introducing a new monthly section on our blog . We are constantly inspired by some of our beautiful customers and there beautiful styling skills. We thought it would be great to meet and get to know a little bit more about these super talented mums . Our First Mum is Candice and she is the inspiring mum behind the beautiful Instagram @arabella_and_poppy.

 Tell us a bit about where you live ?
We are from Melbourne and live in a beautiful area filled with lots of trees and hills. It's very much a little world of it's own. It's close to all things busy yet you could almost say we live in the bush. 

Tell us a bit about you and your family:'m Candice and I'm 31. I love all things bright and colourful and enjoy any sort of interior styling. I'm very much an amateur however one day I hope maybe to make a career out of it. I especially love childrens interiors. I have the most wonderful better half Nathan who always supports any crazy ideas I have lol. We have 2 beautiful little girls. Arabella is 3 and just started Kinder and Poppy will be 2 in June. Poppy likes to do anything her big sister does. Both my girls would live outside if we let them :)

 What is your inspiration behind your kid’s rooms?
 All my inspiration for the girls room (my girls share) comes from all the wonderful designers and talented mummas on Instagram. 

Where is your favorite source of inspiration for the kid’s rooms? Magazines, blogs, instagram?
My fave source is most certainly Instagram. I was new to Instagram mid last year and between then and I now I have formed friends with extremely kind, supportive and talented mummas all ove the world. We all inspire each other in not just design but parenthood also. 

Favourite thing to do as a family:
 Our fave thing to do as a family would have to be watch Disney movies. Our girls are at an age now that they enjoy watching movies. Nathan and I are both big personalities so there's often a chance a few tunes will be belted out during a movie. Our kids love us regardless of the fact we both usually make a huge fool of ourselves singing lol! 

Favourite travel or holiday destination?
 We have only been on a couple of holidays as a family and we have absolutely loved them all. I am not a huge beach person however we had a ball when we went up to the central coast of NSW to visit Nathan's family 💗 The girls love the beach :) 

List of loves as a family:
As a family we love watching movies, singing, spending time together, going on family dates, hanging out with our extended families, Arabella LOVES birthdays and we all love spending time with our amazing friends .We recently visited the Zoo and had so much fun. We can't wait to do that again :) 

Favourite weekend activity:
 Lately with the warmer weather we have loved getting our sprinkler out and letting the girls and Nathan run wild lol! I prefer to watch on and take photos haha.

How do you celebrate birthdays and special days with your kids ?
 Birthdays are huge in our house hold. Arabella loves them so much. We always have a party with decorations and party hats. We make a big deal for whoever is celebrating their birthday. We do this for our extended family also. Arabella loves parties and I love decorating, it would be silly not to have a party lol.

What does a typical day in your life involve?
A typical day in our house would be waking up between between 8/8:30 sometimes earlier, sometimes later but roughly then. The girls have a bottle or milk in a cup and I make them some peanut butter toast. They have their fathers genes and take about 2 hours to fully wake up so I pop the telly on and let them get out of their grump. Depending on the bath situation we may have a bath, they LOVE it! It's such an awesome activity. It's great having the girls so close as there is always someone to play with. After a bath and maybe a photo shoot lol, we may draw, dance, jump on the bed, play in the play room and help mummy hang out the washing. Lately I've been getting the girls to help me cook. I'm not very good but looking to expand my skills. They are really enjoying it. Poppy still naps and Arabella has quiet time. By the time 5:00pm comes around I have no idea where the day went. Dinner, sometimes a bath and pjs before bedtime. Bedtime is about 8pm for our girls. I've tried earlier however they wake up in the middle of the night and party lol! 

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