I always start the month with great intentions on blogging weekly and then a month goes by and still no blog post . We have been busy renovating a small work / shop space which since August has taken nearly all of our energy . We are proud to show you around our new space that has it's own section of La de dah kids . We are Located at 131 Ryrie st Geelong . Our opening hours are varying at the moment with us finding our groove and also the balance of work / life t . Our shop is under another brand called
Shelter 7 which in time will also have it's own homewares line . If you are in the area please pop in and say hi or you can also check us out
online .For anyone interested Holly from Decor 8 did a little blog post about our shop and it can be found
here .
We are loving our new space . We have also been out to visit our manufacturers in China and put the final touches on our Winter collection which features a lot more winter accessories and will be released early February.
La de dah kids is now in our busy season with lots of Christmas goodies being purchased. For anyone wanting to purchase in person we will appear at the following locations :
December 1st 10am - 4 pm
The Royal exhibition Building .
December 6- 10am - 9pm
December 7 - 10 am - 5pm
December 8 10am - 5pm
We are super excited about both these events and we will have our full available range at both events for purchasing .
How are your Christmas plans going ?
Photography by the talented Tara Pearce Photography and styling by Sami Johnson