This blog is to share my loves , finds, artistic endeavours , and all that inspires me in my journey as a mother and creator of beautiful toys and accessories .
We where very excited to be part of the Adelaide Bower bird Bazaar it was was a great event held over three days . We met some great people and huge thanks to all the customers that stopped by . As usual we took our kids on our long road trip they where the perfect car guests on the way to Adelaide and on the way back the kids got a little bit over both the car and the trip . I do always love our trips to Adelaide great scenery , great wine and so much good food .
On the way back to Victoria we stopped off at Three birds our very first Adelaide stockist . Three Birds is a gift and homeware shop. With a wide range of gifts for everyone and for all ages , I could not walk out without a purchase and if you are in the area it is a must visit . For all our Adelaide Fans Three Birds is also the place to Purchase our La de Dah range .
Three Birds :
1A 37-39 Mt Barker Rd, Stirling , Adelaide, South Australia 5152
Very excited to have a little feature in this months Real living magazine . Huge thanks to Real Living team and the talented Tara Pearce for an amazing photo shoot .
After returning from our family trip to South Africa earlier this year the creative juices where flowing . I came back very inspired for our new range . So for the later part of the year I want to introduce two of our new toys Leo the lion and Zaney Zebra both will be available middle to end of August and will retail for $55.00 . So here is a little snap shot of the inspiration and the final product.
We are so excited to be heading to Adelaide later this week to Participate in The Bower Bird market. Making it a bit of a family getaway as we always do . Our kids love a road trip and although we get many rolled eyes our kids really do love a road trip - I did too as a kid. I have attached a flyer with all the details . If you are in the area please stop by and say hello .
Couldn't resist how cute is this room and the cute little monkey's sitting up on the door frame edge . I think beautiful toys are made for displaying in beautiful rooms not just thrown in a toy box . Wouldn't a La de dah kids monkey look great in this room ? don't forget to check out our beautiful keepsake monkeys here .
A lot has been happening behind the scenes as we are putting the finishing touches on our Christmas range . I am super excited and will be sharing sneak peaks over the next month or two of what is to come.
We have had many requests when it comes to our keepsakes dolls and we have added two new colours ways of dolls that will also have removable clothing - so girls can change there clothes . Here is a sneak peak of our new friends for Willow . Meet Grace and Mia . These will be available middle to end of august .